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Successfully Developing a NCO Military Talent & Leadership Development Program


Training & Onboarding 

Proteus consults companies nationwide in developing and implementing successful NCO Leadership Development Programs that include robust onboarding, training, and ongoing career growth development / employee engagement plans tailored specifically to growing and developing  prior military leaders.

30-60-90 Day New Hire Check-Ins 

Mentor to Veteran and Veteran to Mentor check-ins in the first 90 days of employment.

Bi-Annual Employee Reviews 

Individual reviews with immediate and one-level up supervisor conducted every 6 months. This emulates the review process in the military and promotes long term  professional development.

Devloping an Internal Veteran Network

Coordinate BBQ’s and  other team building events, spearheading charity community engagement.

Defined Career Growth Path

Having a clear path, and outlined career milestones for prior military leaders in the organization is instrumental for retaining and developing these leaders.  

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